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Disease Prevention Across a Cocoa Farm
In Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, cocoa is sourced through the Nestlé Cocoa Plan and certified by the Rainforest Alliance following the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard. In this process it is critical to support a strong certification approach regarding the control and minimization of pesticide use.
Helping Close the Living Income Gap
By engaging in positive practices promoted by the Income Accelerator Program, cocoa-farming families can earn additional income to help close the gap in living income. As we move from the pilot to a test at scale phase, the benefits are more apparent than ever.
Pruning And Sustainable Cocoa Production
Selectively pruning degraded and diseased branches can help improve overall yield and quality of cocoa pods from older trees. By promoting pruning, farmers can divesify incomes while limiting crop disease and loss, to great effect.
Helping Kids into School
Enrolling children from 6-16 years old into school is one of the central incentive pillars of the Income Accelerator Program. By helping women get their children to shool, we can ensure incentives payments are used to fund what matters the most.
Empowering Women To Drive Income Diversification
By encouraging women to join Villages Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) we can help them to access finance and loans to start new businesses. Alongside the financial benefits for families, it’s having a positive effect on gender equality within communities.
Planting Shade Trees on Cocoa Farms
Shade and fruit trees help improve the resilience of cocoa crops and promote biodiversity. They also provide opportunities for income diversification, and distributing trees as part of the Income Accelerator Program is having a big impact.